Discounts for multiple day rentals and full week rentals. Check with us for our full discount pricing!

We are your go-to guide for hot tub rentals in Denver! Whether you’re planning a party or just need a relaxing soak, we’ve got the inside scoop. We’ll walk you through reasons, benefits, and even tips for success. We’ve also got your back on cost considerations. So, let’s dive in and make your hot tub rental experience a splash!

Our Current Rental Pricing

****Please Note Holiday and SuperBowl Sunday Pricing below****

Our rental pricing is $675 for a one day rental.  Any additional days are $350 ea.

Set up starts by 12:00 noon on the day of your rental and picked up at 8:00 am the following morning or the morning after your rental period should you have it rented for multiple days.  This gives us a 4 hour time frame to do the pick up, clean the unit and deliver it to the next rental location.


-$675 for the first day, $350 for each additional day.

-Holiday Rates are:

  • Christmas Eve and Christmas Day $750 per day
  • NYE  $875
  • SuperBowl Sunday $750
  • Memoria Day weekend $750 per day
  • 4th of July $750
  • Labor Day weekend $750 per day




Access to water to fill it

Access to a 30 amp service to plug into

The Party Tub heats up in under 90 minutes

If you're throwing a party then consider renting a 16 person hot tub and let us heat up the Fun!

Contact Party Tub

Do you have a question about hiring a Hot Tub? Get in touch!